Dear Friends:
After all the critical testimony about SB 193, the House Finance committee will soon be considering an amendment to the school voucher bill. The amended bill tightens some (though not all) the loopholes, but places local school districts in greater financial jeopardy: the burden to replace all the lost school revenue from the use of vouchers would be ON THE LOCAL TAXPAYER, none on the State’s General Fund.
This could place an enormous burden on local townships and it’s hard to believe that Reps would be willing to vote in favor of such a bill. It is imperative that they hear from us in opposition.
As best we can tell, Finance will vote on or around March 14th with the full House voting possibly the third week of March. Neal Kurk is the House Finance Committee Chairman. Please write to the Finance committee and to your local representative urging them to vote against the amended SB 193. Here is their email:
You can find your legislator here:
Finally, you can find more detailed information about the amended bill here:
Please also feel free to share this email in your networks.
Thank you for your help in opposing this bill, which would have such a destructive effect on public education in our state.
Sam Osherson
Monadnock United 2018