
Call to order 6:00 PM

Introduction of members

Introduction of our speaker, Michael McCord

Local official Reports-

Mitch Greenwald-

Because Democrats have core values, which are his, he asks for our support.  He has learned a lot about whom he and we are.  He stresses that we will need to work hard to GOTV.  He asks us to help him canvass before the Primary, which is in early October.

Senator Kahn- This month we have a veto session in legislature 9/18 & 19  53 bills have been vetoes so far.  This is a big number. Mort=re than double what any governor has done before. If there are bills that are of concern to us, please contact Jay and let hi know what your exact concerns are. Bi-Partisan commission has been vetoed and will create a problem in our next election, environmental bills, and women’s protective health title 10 issues. The budget cutting business taxes, funding schools, and property taxes all these with lower revenue projections were wrong.  We will be short on all of this.  There will be budget shavings. The governor has not given us any indication of where these cuts will be.  That budget was built on 6 months of public testimony and should not be undone in 3 weeks of back room talks.  Question n census. If the ward lines are set before   2010 1000 people were moved to different wards.  This would diminish votes in specific wards and is a real concern.

Winchester-Ann Goodrich Baan- The Pickle festival will be 9/28.  She would encourage all of us to and especially the organizers.

Rindge- Jeff Tickler  New committee.  9.22 will be at next meeting 4:00 Fitzwater center at FPU Craig Thompson will be speaking, also a speaker will be discussing GOTV We need to message more than anything.  He would be happy to discuss doing a messaging campaign with anyone.  Climate change, Health care, it could just be the information not a specific candidate.  We need to stand up for our rights.

NHDP State convention is this weekend!  Jay can get tickets to for students if there is a need.

Fundraising- Nothing new

Membership- nothing to report

Governance-Nothing new

Old Business- we will keep the Library for the meetings through the end of the year. Also any ideas of where to meet please let her know.

New Business- Civil conversation invitation.  A chance to find some common ground.  This will be posted and emailed out.  9/14 will be the date of the event.

Warren- Hello!  Amanda says we should speak to any of the campaigns if you like to hang out with one of them, There will be a teachers listening session, they have a student week as well

Sanders Bernie—phone bank tomorrow   Canvass every sat and Sunday

Danny O’Halloran Booker- House party in Goffstown the night before the convention and a weekend of action the following weekend.  Debate party next Thursday

Colleen Willis  Pete Buttigieg- office soon, no details and doubling of staff

Kamala Harris- Office opening on 9/14 at noon.

Community Kitchen is set because of the Warren campaign

Dan Feltes did announce today that he is running. He is the majority leader for the senate.

We need to test out some candidates and speak with them.

Executive Committee race. Wide open at this time.

October 1stwill be the next meeting.

Meeting  Adjourned 7:30 PM