State House Round up- NHDP Grassroots newsletter

Dear Friend,

Last week the House and Senate Republicans passed a state budget that is bad for NH voters. After the Republican controlled House failed to pass a budget, Republicans in the Senate passed a budget that inadequately serves the people of New Hampshire. Senate Democrats fought back, proposing amendments to fully fund full-day kindergarten and the alcohol fund, provide additional funding to the developmental disabilities waitlist, the DCYF, mental health funding, and job training, freeze tuition at the University System of New Hampshire, and eliminate corporate tax cuts. Unfortunately, Senate Republicans beat back every initiative and passed a horrible budget.

In the Committee of Conference last week, Democrats came to the table prepared to come to an agreement on a budget that would be better for our state. Democrats quickly realized that Republicans were unwilling to compromise. The decision was made by Republicans on the Committee of Conference to cut business taxes while refusing to address the real needs of our citizens such as the opioid crisis, mental health crisis, the Granite State Workforce Program, and our state university system. Under this Republican budget, each of these programs and initiatives are severely underfunded.

While these critical programs are struggling to help our most vulnerable NH citizens, businesses are getting tax cuts. Democrats were united in their opposition to this budget. Budgets show what our priorities are and this budget shows that Governor Sununu and Republicans care most about giving corporate tax cuts to the top 3% instead of providing services to help working families.

Please continue to use this regular newsletter as a tool for your local committee meetings or as a supplement to your own regular newsletter.  

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you may have.
Sue Ford                                                                   Erin Cotton
NHDP Grassroots Chair                                           Operations Director, NHDP
Fmr. House Democratic Floor Leader             
sueford06@gmail.comNick Taylor                                                                 Erin Turmelle
Director, House and Senate Democrats                    Political Director, NHDP                                            

Action Alert!
Kevin Cavanaugh for State SenateWith only 4 weekends left until the Kevin Cavanaugh’s State Senate Special Election the campaign is working hard to get out the word by knocking on doors and making phone calls! Join us to spread the word!This is an important election and your help is critical to ensuring Kevin wins!

Please sign up for Canvassing and Phone Banking Shifts Below
Canvassing: Kevin’s Home, 368 Tory Road, Manchester, NH 03104
Phone Bank: IBEW 2320: 46 3rd Street, Manchester


Contact Brexton Isaacs, 815-222-0820 or, with any questions!

Action Alert!
Only three more days until the Senate votes on their version of Trumpcare.

Trumpcare would effect a sixth of our economy, kick millions off of their insurance, and make premiums skyrocket for the rest of us. We need to take action today, and every day until the Thursday Senate vote.

Thanks to your hard work, we elected a Congressional delegation who universally oppose Trumpcare and are committed to protecting the Affordable Care Act, but that doesn’t mean our work is done:

Here are two things you can do to help the fight today:

Take 2 minutes today to call Governor Sununu and ask him to publicly oppose this Senate bill. The governor called the House version of Trumpcare a “huge win” and a “great message.” He said he has hope for the Senate version. Call him and let him know you’d like him to hold a field hearing this week to listen to New Hampshire health care stories.

There are at least ten Republican US Senators on the fence about voting for this bill. In order to defeat it, we need to pick off three. Senator Susan Collins of Maine is on this list, and can be a crucial part of defeating Trumpcare. Call your friends and ask them to reach out to Senator Collins’ office to vote NO on the Senate Trumpcare bill. If you have friends in Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or West Virginia, ask them to help out too.

Millions of lives are on the line and the health of millions more are at stake.

Save the Date!

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 Legislative Recap

On Thursday, New Hampshire House and Senate Republicans voted to pass a budget that would give corporate tax cuts to the top 3% of Granite Staters while underfunding services for the other 97%. These tax cuts are paid for by underfunding programs like the alcohol fund, DCYF, and the developmental disability waitlist.

At the same time, House and Senate voted to partially fund full day kindergarten with gambling funds from Keno. This legislation passed because Democrats carried a long-championed policy across the finish line while Governor Sununu failed to deliver on a campaign promise of fully-funded full day kindergarten. While Democratic leaders would simply pass fully-funded full day kindergarten, Republicans need to cut it in half, tie it to gambling measures, and beg their members to vote yes.

Social Media Buzz

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Democratic Press Releases

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… “Senate Democrats have been leading advocates for Kindergarten, and for fully funding full-day Kindergarten, for many years — we know this issue well and we know what this means for our communities. Passing full funding for full-day Kindergarten should have been an easy task. Governor Sununu promised to support it during his campaign and full funding for full-day Kindergarten passed with overwhelming, bipartisan support in both the House and the Senate. … – Senate Democratic Leader Jeff Woodburn (D-Whitefield)

Republicans Force Haphazard Fetal Homicide Bill through Legislature

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… “This Republican bill has been plagued with issues from the outset. If as much effort was invested into writing the bill as was invested into eroding women’s reproductive rights, perhaps our Republican colleagues wouldn’t need to break Senate procedure to fix their mistakes . . . Not only were medical experts never consulted during the construction of this bill, but Republicans were so careless as to include language that provides immunity for pregnant women in homicide cases. Now, they’re scrambling after-the-fact to use a legislative process normally used to correct spelling errors to make major policy changes about women’s reproductive health. And to demonstrate how desperate Republicans are, when a Senate colleague stepped forward in standard Senate procedure to voice her opposition to this process, she was interrupted and shut down by her Republican colleagues. This legislation is an exercise in poor craftsmanship on top of bad policy, and I’m concerned with the precedent this creates.”  … – Senator Donna Soucy (D-Manchester)

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… “Today, Democrats stood united with working families and their priorities by voting against the Republican budget. Even though we approached our Republican colleagues many times in the spirit of compromise and offered countless amendments to make the budget reflective of the needs of real people in our communities, our efforts were rejected at every turn. The Republican budget agreement caves to the wealthy elite and short-changes those who are most in need . . . It’s a grave mistake to force the people of New Hampshire to line the pockets of corporations while the critical investments our state so desperately needs go unmet. In good conscience and good faith, Democrats are not able to sign off on a budget that diverts funds away from our state’s critical substance misuse and mental health crises for the sake of more reckless business tax cuts. This budget continues a troubling pattern of forcing the working people in our state to pick up the bill. … – Senate Democratic Leader Jeff Woodburn (D-Whitefield)

State Democrats in the News

Our Turn: The Republican gamble with our kids’ futures

By: Councilor Andru Volinsky (D-Concord), Senator Dan Feltes (D-Concord) and Senator David Watters (D-Dover)

Concord Monitor: READ HERE