4 June 2013 last updated. Note – click on section to expand particular SECTION for further reading.


The name of this organization shall be the Cheshire County Democratic Committee.

SECTION 2: Object

The purpose of the Cheshire County Democratic Committee shall be to promote the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party in Cheshire County, the State of New Hampshire, and the Nation through the election of duly nominated candidates; and by so doing, aid our government to function effectively as a true democracy and a government representative of the people.

SECTION 3: Functions

A. To administer the affairs of the Democratic Party within the County;
B. To exercise leadership within the County and cooperate with the various town and city committees in the support of Democratic candidates for local and county offices, and with the Democratic State Committee in support of Democratic candidates for state and national office;
C. To provide rules and regulations as may be required for the functioning of the County Democrats, except that such rules and regulations shall not contravene the provisions of the Constitution of the New Hampshire Democratic State Committee;
D. To organize effective town committees and assist them in their duties
E. To provide financial support for campaign expenses of County Democratic candidates.
F. To provide financial support, as requested, for campaign expenses of State and National Democratic candidates.

SECTION 4: Membership

Membership of the Cheshire County Democratic Committee shall consist of all registered Democrats in Cheshire County.

SECTION 5: Officers/Executive Committee
A. The Cheshire County Executive Committee Council consists of four officers and five members elected at the biannual meeting held for that purpose.
B. Four members of the Executive Committee Council will represent Cheshire County at the NHDP Caucus in Concord. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee Council to advise the Chairperson on matters of policy, to assist in planning the affairs of the County Democrats, and to perform other duties that may be delegated by the Chairperson in order to fulfill requirements specified in other sections of these By-Laws, as well as the following:
1. The Executive Council shall report its activities, as reflected in its minutes, to the County Democrats at meetings of the entire membership;2. The Executive Council shall approve any recommendation for a campaign contribution to any candidate before presenting such recommendation to the County Committee;
3. A quorum of the Executive Council shall approve any single expenditure greater than $500.
4. A quorum of the Executive Council shall approve all expenditures for financial support to County, State, and National Candidates.
5. Five Executive Council Members plus one Officer constitute a quorum.
6. All checks shall require two signatures, that of the Treasurer and that of one other Executive Committee Council Member as designated by the Chairperson

C. Procedures to remove an Executive Council member shall begin when a member has three consecutive unexcused absences from County Committee meetings.
D. Vacancies among the Executive Council and Officers shall be filled by a quorum of the Executive Council as defined in 4 above.

SECTION 6: Duties of Officers

Chairperson. It shall be the duty of the Chairperson:

A. to call meetings of the County Democrats and the Executive Council and preside over those meetings;
B. to vote in the case of a tie;
C. to supervise the ongoing operations of the County Democrats;
D. to supervise all officers in the exercise of their respective duties; to appoint all committees that may be necessary;
E. to coordinate workers during any local, state or national elections; and to ensure that any reports required by state or Federal law receive full compliance.
F. to be responsible for securing and encouraging nominees for State Senate, County Commissioner, Sheriff, County Attorney and other county offices and legislative offices.
G. to disburse funds as he/she sees fit to forward the goals of the Democratic Party in Cheshire County up to the amount of $500 and to approve all Committee expenditures under $500.
H. to fill the ballot in accordance with RSA 655:37, and appoint any committee or individual to assist in meeting these responsibilities.
I. to appoint a Chair of a Local Subcommittee if, after due notice and a meeting held for the election of Local Officers, the Local Subcommittee failed to elect a Chair;

Vice-Chairperson. It shall be the duty of the Vice-Chairperson:

A. to perform the duties of the Chairperson in his or her absence;
B. to assist the Chairperson in establishing and encouraging town committees in municipalities without such committees, and keep the list of active Cheshire County Democrats;
C. to perform such duties as may be delegated by the Chairperson.

Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary:

A. to maintain accurate minutes of the meetings of the County Democrats and the Executive Council;
B. to be responsible for the maintenance of records that will reflect the ongoing operations of the County Democrats and to ensure that such records are passed on to the appropriate elected successors;
C. to distribute meeting notices and minutes to Council members so that Council members have at least 7 days notice of meetings;
D. to post notice of the biannual meeting for election of the Executive Council in county newspapers ten days prior to the meeting.
E. to keep such other records as may be required; and to act in the absence of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.

Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer:

A. to be responsible for the custody of all funds of the County Democrats;
B. to keep a full and accurate record of all receipts and disbursements;
C. to deposit all monies in the name of the Cheshire County Democrats in a recognized bank; to disburse said funds as directed by the Chairperson or as ordered by the Executive Committee;
D. to give a full financial report to the Chairperson, the County Democrats, the Executive Committee, or the Finance Committee on request;
E. to sign all checks, drafts, and orders for payment of money;
F. to prepare all reports to the Secretary of the State of New Hampshire in accordance with New Hampshire election laws;
G. to act in the absence of the above three officers.
SECTION 7: Town Committees

Strong town committees are essential to the functioning of the Democratic Party in Cheshire County. With this in mind it is incumbent upon the Cheshire County Committee to assist Town and City Committees in their organization and maintenance.

SECTION 8: Standing Committees

The County Chairperson shall appoint at least three members with one serving as Chairperson, and as many other members deemed necessary to the following subcommittees. The subcommittees shall make reports through their chairperson at the monthly general meetings.

A. Candidate Recruitment and Support – This subcommittee is responsible for working with the town chairs in selection of promising candidates and providing support for those candidates as needed to help in their campaigns.
B. Event Fundraising – This subcommittee is responsible for organizing fund raising events
C. Media – This subcommittee is responsible for setup and maintenance of the website, twitter, and facebook, and placement of all advertising in local media outlets.
D. Database – This subcommittee is responsible for keeping an accurate database of registered Democrats in Cheshire County and making that data available to the town chairs on request.

SECTION 9: Meetings

A. Meetings of the entire County Committee membership shall take place monthly on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 or at an alternative time as designated by the Chair. Proper notification shall be made at least seven calendar days prior to meeting with public notice in the Cheshire County Democratic Website. At least 12 members including one Executive Committee officer shall constitute a quorum for approving all motions with the exception of financial motions in excess of $500. Motions to approve expenditures in excess of $500 can only be approved by a quorum of the Executive Council.
B. Additional Committee and Executive Council meetings may be called by the Chairperson or by a vote at any meeting; provided there is 7 day notice of meeting. All meetings shall be open to any County Committee member.
C. The Chair may call an emergency telephone meeting of the Executive Council if inclement weather or other conditions warrant.

SECTION 10: Order of Business

A. The order of business at general meetings shall be:

1. Call to Order.
2. Introduction of Members present.
3. Introduction of guests present.
4. Report of Secretary and Adoption of Minutes.
5. Report of Treasurer
6. Committee Reports
7. Report by member(s) who serve in Elected Office.
8. Old Business
9. New Business
10. Announcements
11. Additional agenda items

B. Meetings are informal, but in the instance of division, Roberts Rules of Order shall be employed and the Secretary shall record all votes.

SECTION 11: Endorsements

A. Endorsement of a Democratic nominee(s) or of Democrats for appointive positions in local, county, state and national government; or support of a position on an issue or any other matter shall be approved by a majority vote of the members present and voting with the exception that
B. In no circumstance shall this committee endorse any Democratic candidate over another in a primary
C. No Executive Council member may endorse candidates other than Democrats or work against a Democratic candidate in the general election.

SECTION 12: Amendment of By-Laws

A. The By-Laws may be amended by presenting the proposed amendments(s) at one regularly called meeting of the County Democrats and taking action on the proposed amendment(s) at the next regularly called meeting, at which the proposed amendment(s) shall be presented in writing to the members of the County Democrats
B. A 2/3 vote of those eligible to vote and attending is required for adoption of the amendment(s).
C. Bylaws of the Cheshire County Democratic Committee must be reviewed and approved at least every four years.

SECTION 13: Other Provisions

A. Any provisions not covered in the By-Laws shall be covered by Roberts’ Rules of Parliamentary Procedure.
B. A copy of these By-Laws shall be provided to all members of the County Committee upon request.