Dear Friends,
We want to update you on our efforts to oppose SB 193, the bill that would allow public tax money to be used for private/religious school tuition. First, thank you for signing our letter. Signatures are still coming in!
We have also posted an Events Facebook page alerting people to the Nov 8th vote by the NH House Education committee on SB 193 AND we have bought FB Ads inviting people to sign our letter to the legislature in opposition. If you see either the Events page or the FB Ad appear on your FB page please Like and Share them—that will increase their exposure.
To find a Fact Sheet with four troubling questions about SB 193 please click HERE and feel free to share it in your networks as well.
There are apparently four undecided Republicans on the Education committee. Please email or
call them if you have not done so yet: ( (
michael.moffett@leg.state.nh. (603-
Thank you for your support!
Sam Osherson
Coordinator, Monadnock United 2018