by Charles | Jan 8, 2019 | Opinion Editorial
Dear Friend, Hello and welcome back to the Grassroots Newsletter! Every week, read this newsletter for updates on the goings-on at the State House, opportunities to participate in rallies or protests, keep track of potential presidential candidates’ visits to...
by Charles | Nov 18, 2018 | Opinion Editorial
Cheshire County Democrats Meeting 10.2.18 Call to order 6:00PM Introductions- Speaker- Yves Gakunde Senate Report- Jay Kahn – Legislative study committees need to be ready by 11/1 he is working on mental health issues and how within...
by Charles | Nov 14, 2018 | Opinion Editorial
A leading Holocaust historian just seriously compared the US to Nazi Germany “If the US has someone whom historians will look back on as the gravedigger of American democracy, it is Mitch McConnell.” By Zack Oct 5, 2018, 11:21am EDT...
by Charles | Nov 14, 2018 | Opinion Editorial
Dear Friend, What a truly fantastic week to be a New Hampshire Democrat!In the face of overwhelming odds, we regained control of the US House through the election of Chris Pappas and the re-election of Congresswoman Annie Kuster. We also gained control of the...
by Charles | Nov 14, 2018 | Opinion Editorial
‘Unprecedented’ Turnout by College Students in Midterm Elections Leading into the pivotal midterm elections this week, political activists were confident that turnout among college students would far outpace previous years. Their predictions were apparently correct;...
by Charles | Oct 31, 2018 | Opinion Editorial
Dear Readers: The article below is a good read. To it, I would add the following points: –Last year when the deficit was $779 billion, Social Security ran a surplus....