October 2018 Cheshire Democrats Meeting Notes

Cheshire County Democrats Meeting 10.2.18


Call to order 6:00PM




Speaker– Yves Gakunde


Senate Report

Jay Kahn – Legislative study committees need to be ready by 11/1 he is working on mental health issues and how within divisions we need to connect our agencies.  The 1115 are trying to help with this.

Also he is on telecommunications committee chaired by Sanborne. Telemedicine needs to get the same reimbursement as those working directly with a doctor. This is a part of our future.

Jay is working on over 20 bills, and he will be trying to involve other legislators as well.  There is a collision of things that need to get done. He is taking his re-election campaign very seriously.

House party this coming Sunday at Peter Espiefs home for Jay.  29 Middle St. in Keene

Jay is trying to create a link with KSC students and the Women’s prison

10/10 event in Surry. John Mann and Eli will be there. 7:00 at Surry town hall.

10/15 Westmoreland event.

Swanzey event At Whitcomb Hall on the 4that 2:30

Please let him know of any events.

Swanzey-Carol meeting coming up on the 20th. Then the outpost will be merged with Keene.


Eli Rivera- 10/23 at 7:00 Diversity and listening session at Keene Rec Center.    Several commissioners will attend. Come and give Edelburg an earful please.  His is an advisory council of the government.  Eli will email details to Ann to be posted


Town Chair reports-


Winchester-Ann GB they will be shifting their outreach as per Coordinated campaign


Dublin–   10/10 is next meeting; Bob Englund, Craig Thompson, Doug Ley and Dick Ames will attend


MPA– Amy 19/22 people power summit was a great success. Workshops were a big hit (8). There were awards given as well.

Last week a presentation on voting, and they will be doing a large vote sign.

Next Tuesday Eva Castille on immigration 101 here at the Community Room

Voting Rights-Bridgette Hansel.  League of Women Voters will be giving them groups.  There will be 11-4 voter registration info at Railroad Square for the next three Saturdays.  10/6, 20 and 11/3.  They will be organizing at the HS in Keene.


Bob Englund needs places in the south towns of his district to post signs and have an event. Suggestion to speak to Anna Tilton.


Beyond Plastics-CT River conservancy will be speaking about plastics.  You need to register action.


Coordinated campaign

Tom Sullivan-

Tom has taken over for Owen who is now deputy for the state.

35 days out and Annie is neck and neck with Negron.  We need to get out the vote.  Everything will move into to Keene in order to centralize things.


Governance/NominatingBob- Nothing to add


Membership/Outreach-Heather the district 9 groups have disbanded in order to focus on the campaign.


Friday Lunches-please let Mohammed know what speakers or issues you would like to hear about or from


Fundraising-JoAnn Women’s empowerment event 10/27 Great speakers


Keene Immigrationevent-Families Belong Together Sunday 10/14 at noon in Wheelock Park-To promote interaction and to protect humanity.


We have a full staff for Community Kitchen


Discussion on advertising and how we will spend our funds in this election.


Next meeting 12/4


Motion for meeting to be adjourned 7:20




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