State House Roundup

Dear Friend,
Town Meeting Day is TOMORROW!!
The NHDP has worked closely with Town and County Committees to recruit and elect Democrats to run for local office, but now we need YOU to head to the polls and cast your ballot!

Secretary of State Bill Gardner has signaled that the elections will move forward despite the snow storm. That means we can’t let inclement weather keep us from electing an incredible slate of Democrats.

Last year proved that every district can be competitive. Let’s keep this momentum going by having a successful Town Meeting Day tomorrow!

If any issues arise, call Erin Turmelle at (603) 418-5998. To report results, please email Erin at

Please continue to use this regular newsletter as a tool for your local committee meetings or as a supplement to your own regular newsletter.  

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you may have.

Sue Ford                                                                  Sarah Guggenheimer
NHDP Grassroots Chair                                           Communications Associate,
Fmr. House Democratic Floor Leader                      NHDP                                   

Nick Taylor                                                                 Erin Turmelle
Director, House and Senate Democrats                    Political Director, NHDP                                            

On the Floor

The House will be in session on Thursday, March 15th

Commuter Rail

House of Representatives / Full Vote

HOUSE – HB 2018, relative to the state 10-year transportation improvement program

Why this matters: Last week, New Hampshire Republicans removed commuter rail from this 10 year proposal despite its overwhelming popularity. They will vote on the final bill this week where there is the chance a last minute amendment will be added to include rail in the proposal.

Abortion Viability Ban

House of Representatives / Full Vote

HOUSE – HB 1680-FN, relative to prohibiting abortions after viability

Why this matters: This bill would prohibit abortions after “viability,” an unscientific and baseless term that would effectively limit women’s access to abortions. This restriction is not only unconstitutional but dangerous. The vast majority of abortions take place before a woman is 20 weeks pregnant. When women have abortions after this period, it is because their lives or the lives of the fetus are in danger.

Urging the pardon of Jerry DeLemus

House of Representatives / Floor Vote

HOUSE – HCR 11, urging the pardon of Jerry DeLemus

Why this matters: Jerry DeLemus is currently in jail after famously aiding anti-government white supremacist Cliven Bundy in a standoff against the federal government in Nevada. DeLemus is the founding member of the fringe right-wing group, Rochester 9/12, which Governor Sununu secretly met with last Summer.

Online Voter Registration

House of Representatives / Floor Votes

House – HB 1772, permitting online voter registration

Why this matters: Amidst a sea of New Hampshire Republican attempts to restrict the voting rights of Granite Staters, this Democrat-sponosred bill would allow eligible voters to register to vote online. 38 states currently allow for online voter registration, a process that streamlines and simplifies voter registration.

Be sure to call your State Representative and Governor Sununu’s office (603-271-2121) directly, to register your opinions on these important issues. If you’d like to attend one of these hearings or find out when the next session will take place, email Sue Ford (

Priority Hearings

Guns in Schools

Tuesday, March 13th, 10:00AM / Education / Representatives Hall, State House

SENATE- EDUCATION – SB 357, relative to safe school zones

Why this matters: During this hearing, the Senate Education committee will be hearing testimony on Democratic State Senator Martha Hennessey’s amendment that would give schools the ability to ban schools on their campus. In the wake of the devastating Parkland shooting, this amendment is incredibly important in preventing mass shootings on school campuses.

Legislative Review

Last week, the New Hampshire Senate voted 17-7 in favor of SB 313, a bill that seeks to reauthorize New Hampshire’s Medicaid expansion program, which currently covers more than 50,000 Granite Staters. Democrats rightfully expressed concerns about the toughest hourly work requirement in the country, and are working steadily to ensure that nobody loses coverage under the reauthorization program, something the Republican leadership has agreed to. The reauthorization now heads to the House of Representatives.

Also last week, Democrats in the New Hampshire House carried through a transgender rights bill that was tabled at the hands of Republicans a year earlier. This is an outstanding step in the pursuit of equal protection for transgender Granite Staters. Thank you to everyone who came forward to create the groundswell of activism and enthusiasm for these basic protections and human rights. HB 1319 now heads to the Senate.

Platform Committee

We need your help. Over the next few months, the New Hampshire Democratic Party Platform Committee will travel around the State to hear from you on the content of our 2018 Platform. We are charged with building a Platform that finds the common ground among us, and helps make the case for why Democrats, Independents, and Republicans – our friends and neighbors – should support the Democratic vision for moving New Hampshire forward. The Platform is a statement of our principles and a direct appeal people of New Hampshire.

In an effort to hear from as many democrats as possible, the Committee has scheduled hearings across the state.

March 19 at 6pm, Cook Memorial Library, 93 Main St., Tamworth (Carroll)
March 20 at 6:30pm, NHDP Headquarters, 105 N. State St., Concord (Merrimack)
March 26 at 6:45pm, Upper Valley Senior Center, Lebanon (Grafton)
March 27 at 7pm, Moody Bldg., Conference Rm. 24, Tremont Sq., Claremont (Sullivan)
April 2 at 7pm, Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St., Nashua (Hillsborough)
April 3 at 6pm, 49 CommunityWay, Keene (Cheshire)
April 7 at 10am, [tentatively –Senior Center, Littleton] (Northern Grafton)
April 7 at 6pm, Chinburg Mill, 431 Central Ave., Dover (Strafford)
April 9 at 7pm, Daniel Webster Room, Exeter Inn, 90 Front St., Exeter (Rockingham)
April 11 at 6pm, Laconia Library, 695 N Main St, Laconia, NH (Belknap)
April 14 at 10am, Manchester Library, 405 Pine St, Manchester, NH
TBD: Coos County

Here is the current NHDP Party Platform for your review. Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments to

County Summits

This winter and upcoming spring, the NHDP staff is hitting the road for thirteen County Summits that will be packed with trainings and discussions relevant to strategic planning for 2018 elections! With more than 50% of statewide local committee officers being new members this year we are traveling the state to provide the training and organizing skills that will lay the foundation for success in 2018. We have the momentum, we are fine tuning our skills, and we are building our capacity in every town and county. Please add the following dates to your calendar and RSVP to join us at your county summit!
Nashua – March 17, 10AM – 2PM
(Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St, Nashua, NH 03060)
Click HERE to RSVP
Sullivan CountyApril 14
Click HERE to RSVP
Merrimack CountyApril 21, 10AM – 2PM
(New Hampshire Democratic Party – 105 N State St, Concord, NH 03301)
Click HERE to RSVP

Hillsborough County – April 22, 1PM – 5PM
(Greenfield Meeting House – 775 Forest Rd, Greenfield, NH 03047)
Click HERE to RSVP

Locations and times to follow.

Sununu Reality Check

Governor Sununu once said he “hated” voter suppression bill HB 372, but ever since then he’s been inching towards supporting it. HB 1264, which essentially the same bill, passed in the House last week. Far from saying he “hated” the bill, Sununu just said he was “monitoring” it.

Contact Governor Sununu and urge him to pledge a veto on HB 372 and its twin HB 1264:

Follow Sununu Reality Check on TwitterFacebook, and check out our website ( to get updates on how we’re holding Sununu accountable.

Check out the NHDP Store!

Social Media Buzz

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In the News

Let local school districts set gun policies

  By: Sen. Martha Hennessey
Union Leader: READ HERE

“Vulnerable” women will not stand for Gov. Sununu’s inaction

  By: Zandra Rice-Hawkins and Emily Morgan
Eagle-Tribune: READ HERE

Gun safety for all

  By: Joan Lamson
Concord Monitor: READ HERE

Use your vote to speak out

  By: Quinn Golden
Concord Monitor: READ HERE

Stop the craziness

  By: David Miller
Foster’s Daily Democrat: READ HERE

Get Involved

We are going to need all hands-on-deck in 2018.  If you’d like to get involved, please let us know.  There are many ways to help out!  You can volunteer to write letters to your local paper, call your local representatives, testify at hearings, or share posts on social media.


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