CCD Meeting Notes 10.6.20



Andrew Maneval new candidate.

Emma Greenberg- collaborations on campaign. 28 days. People are engaged we have phone, text banks and lit drops. There will be a tabling program as well.

Jay Kahn. – Talking points for candidates.  We have a walking talking point in the Whitehouse. His denial of Covid is a symptom of the disease. A constant misrepresentation of truth. Biden has a sense of vision purpose and unity for our country. After the president is the Gov. and two of our state officers. Democrats had more votes in the primary by 7k votes. We have to make sure that people do not cross over to Sununu. He is a bad guy. We need to carry the corner office so that we do not have another 79 vetoes. Enviormental responsibilities. How we raise money in this state. We will be undermined. There is dark money coming into the state. We are not about increasing taxes. We had the lowest business taxes already and Sununu keeps cutting them. The obligations have been pushed down to towns and they raises property taxes. He assigned preferential taxes meant for poorer towns to his ski area. We have a strong ticket and we need to get out and promote it. Visibility is very important. What is going on with the Biden campaign being more visible. We need to participate in trainings so we can help our candidates win.

There will be a zoom event for Dan Feltes 4:00 this Friday.

They are looking for an office as we speak. Small group for lit drops.

CCD will be doing our own gotv lit drop. Fri the 30th through Mon the 2nd. We would like to have something in all the towns. Two hour shifts. Maureen offers her home for a staging location.

10/15. Zoom event focusing on state healthcare Lucy, Jay, Joe and Amanda are panelists. Bob. Beth Ann and Aiden jasmine will be asking the questions. This is good publicity. Andrew May do one with him on economic development.

Finances -We 34 k in account 600.00 bills. We are still waiting for campaign requests and spaghetti dinner expenses.

Update on spaghetti dinner. We cleared 12k. Would we do it this way again? We miss the camaraderie. We will do some other zoom events

No reports on governance. After the election we will be working on something.

Town chairs.

Dita. Stoddard Dems sent a postcard mailing in September. People liked this. They are doing a similar thing for the election.

Discussion of how towns are overwhelmed by the number of absentee ballot requests. Towns can recruit people to come and help. If there are issues of timeliness about this it should be reported. Law students or attorneys are needed for Election Day.

Please Join Joe Biden for NH Facebook page.

Discussion on how to order signs. Maureen wonders what to do about public places. If signs are being stolen should they be replaced. Carl says we should focus on private property. Jay asks that we call the police every time a sign is stolen.

Dita has distributed signs. People are asking for them.

Community kitchen is still on hold.

Gotv meeting 10/27 6:00 on zoom

Jenn Alfred Teaster event. 10/13 at 6:00 pm

Meeting adjourned 6:46