Ccd Introductions Andrew Maneval new candidate. Emma Greenberg- collaborations on campaign. 28 days. People are engaged we have phone, text banks and lit drops. There will be a tabling program as well. Jay Kahn. - Talking points for candidates. We have a walking...
2020 Meeting Minutes
CCD Meeting Notes 6.2.20
CCD 6.2.20 Introduction of guests Ray Buckley speaks about the national convention It’s a rough time to be an American. The pandemic is a tragedy beyond our comprehension. Economic deprssi9n and survival. Then we have George Floyd, our Hearts are tired. There is one...
Monthly Meeting Notes 3.2020
MEETING AGENDA 3/3/20 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER- 6:00 PM INTRODUCTIONS-Members, Guests SPECIAL GUEST PROGRAM- NHDP Platform Committee Explanation of platform and rules. This happens bi-annually. They are on a listening tour to hear what we have to say. They will take...
CCD Meeting notes February 2020
CCD Meeting notes February 2020 Cheshire County Democrats February 4, 2020 Call to order-6:05 PM Guest’s introduction Introduction of Tim Butterworth who thanks the Presidential Candidate Introduction of the Honorable Lucy Webber, Cheshire 0ne Discussing...
CCD Meeting notes January 2020
CCD Meeting notes January 2020 CHESHIRE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE MEETING NOTES 1/7/20 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER-6:03 PM INTRODUCTIONS-Members, Guests SPECIAL GUEST PROGRAM- Clai Lasher-Sommers, Executive Director of GunSense Vermont. Introduction of candidates for...