CCD Monthly meeting notes 9.4.18

CCD Monthly meeting notes 9.4.18

Meeting Minutes – 9/5/18

Call to Order- Carl DeMatteo, Chair 6:00 PM


Guest speaker is John Stewart,

Reports from those serving in Elective office:

Lucy weber, no updates from statehouse but remember to vote.  Make sure that when you are discussing races that you discuss county races.

Delmar Burridge, describes “don’t check the box” Lost Labor report.  We should invite on e of the ACLU members.

Jay Kahn, Constituencies hours from 5-7 at county building re three bills- Fuel to energy, #365, Net metering bill, repeal of death penalty, mental health funding’s.  Open hours.  He would like to create a stage that says this region does support these bills. Sunday the Hinsdale Dems is hosting a forum at the Millstream center for 6 reps, Andru and himself.   He is trying to staff polls for Tuesday.  We can be very influential in this turnout.

Reports from Town Chairs;

Dublin- Owen burger coming to speak on next Tuesday

10/10 Bob Englund will be speaking, as well as Craig Thompson

Alstead-Priscilla they had a great meeting on 8/18. Jay Kahn, John Mann Bob Englund and a good turnout. Starting door to door Thursday (?)

Marlboro- They are holding an Ice cream social 9/23 from 2-4.  This will let the younger families join them.  AT Pavilion. Andru, Bruce, terry, and jay will be coming.  Both Gubernatorial candidates were invited as well

There will be a listening session, 10/23 on Gov. council on diversionary inclusion.  Either at Blastos room  Keene rec center or 5-7

Reports from Progressive groups:

Cindy Sheehan will hold a peace march in DC in October

Keene peace vigil 10-12 at Central Square, every Saturday

Clean Energy Next wed at 7:00 movie

The 15thelectric vehicle event at Keene Ice

NH rise for justice at Central Square at 10, from 12-3 it will be a Railroad Square.  This is the state rally.

Details on Facebook and MPA website sights and democracy and MPA AM Membership, awards.  PM free and open for their workshops. Deep canvassing to bird-dogging.

Report from NHDP:

Secretary Report:

Treasurer Report: 16651.61. 1534.oo in Eddie fund.

Committee Reports: 10/27

Women’s Event- Empowering WOMEN TOGETHER (Bria Smith,March for Our Lives
Youth Activist from Milwaukee, WI

Elaine Hamel, Director,Girls At Work, Inc.,Manchester, NH

Martha NeubertDean of Equity and Social Justice, Senior Staff, Multicultural Affairs,
Northfield Mount Hermon School, Northfield, MA

Metta Dael  Director of International Admissions, Northfield Mount
Hermon School, Northfield, MA

Membership- Nothing to report

Governance-Nothing to report

Communication-Nothing to report

Friday Lunch meeting group-Mohammed they had 21 people at the last meeting.  He would like to transform this lunch into an opportunity to educate people.  They want bigger rooms.  For September they will host it at the coordinated campaign headquarters.  It will be the s8th. The last Friday of every month.

Carl- We will cancel the November meeting.

Introduction of speaker John Stewart.  Past pres. of NH Police assc.  Well rewarded (Michael Briggs award) Former union president, classroom instruction award. He teaches 4 clasees.

This issue is personal to him.  See something say something do somethingHe feels we are negligent not to act.  He has support from Eli and Jay and has written legislation that takes all thoughts into perspective.  It’s about interevention. they are targeting people in crisis.   In Crisis Threat of Violence bill.

Carl would like us all to pull together.  There is too much at stake in this election for our stat and country for people who share our values.  There has been to many negative exchanges and he would like us to void this. It does not move the ball forward.  As an individual have all been positive in supporting our candidates.  Our will be better and we need to keep this in mind and work together to achieve the results we need to rescue our country.  John Stewart asks us to vote for Jay and Delmar.