CCD 3.6.18
Call to order 6:00
Introduction of those present and guests.
Erin will be the new Co-ordinated campaign director
Report from those serving in political office;
Winchester-Laurie Tigan- Steve Marchand came to speak to their group and he was very good.
Dublin – nothing new to report
Progressive Groups – April fourth MPA is putting on a Medicare for all forum in the Mabel Brown room (6;00 PM), Great speakers, Carl, DeMatteo, Andru Volinsky as well as others Dottie Morris will be the moderator, and there will be a lot of community involvement and tabling
NHDP-Erin Turmelle Busy legislative week. HB1264 (Poll tax) Domicile based on car registration. This bill would redefine doicile.HB1264 is likely to pass the house, but who knows what will happen to it.
Child Marriage and transgender rights is tomorrow. (Both did not pass last year). 1319 (transgender may be voted on until tonight). There is a rally for this tomorrow morning ta 8:45.
Exec council voting on hanging a portrait of the first female of Dudley Dudley. Call your Councilor.
10 Year transportation bill without rail (Sununu said it was okay to kill the rail)
Mayor Donchess had a good proposal for this then it went back to federal funding and it disappeared. The new Mayor of Nashua will be working with Donchess o this. Sen. Kahn says it would take about ten years to get this rolling, and by then we would be into electric cars.
Committee Reports-
Secretaries report was posted and sent to committee
Treasurer’s report – Jim $10277.11 in account, Friday lunch $669.l29, Eddie $1504.06
Fundraising- JoAnn 2.17 we made 1664.00 at the Chinese New Year dinner.
We did spend money on the food for the summit (roughly 200.00)
We have switched to the club for our dinner because Waxy O’Connor’s is closed. The High School is too much work and he College is expensive. It will still be a good price.
Membership outreach-Heather they are meeting to put together push for district 9.
Governing – Nothing new
Communications – we will be making a change TBA next month
There is a fundraiser Sunday for Chris Pappas
We will be meeting with all town chairs twice a year, which will help with our strategic planning.
We will have a forum on Tuesday August 14th at 6:00 at the library
Reminder about how candidates are endorsed. You may endorse anyone on a personal level, but as a committee we cannot endorse anyone person until after the primary. We are happy to post all announcements as well.
Introduction of Dan Malone- Co-chair of the Veteran’s and Military caucus, which is new. They will identify and help vets who want to run for office. Also work on issues with them. They will also help out together events, letter writing etc. They do have a Facebook page. They are meeting at 7:00 next Tuesday at NHDP headquarters.
Navigating the VA bureaucracy is both challenging and rewarding and they are trying to figure out how to better work with them. Privatizing is a problem. We are 8th or 9th in the country in terms of number of vets. There are a lot of transition problems that they face. There is substance abuse treatment available, and the continuity of care for vets and their families is strong and important. All vets are not time bombs but this seems to be a misconception. They will be building a list to get vet to help. This region has about 30 groups geared towards vets. SWCS has a fair after Memorial Day, Dan should connect with him. NH homeless vets NH Dem vets. Most vets say they are independents. That is why they are trying to form a caucus. Vets in NH have the GI Bill and the support is strong but it depends on what they are looking for and how much education you have. The VA can provide up 66% of schooling.
Strategic planning –
WE will receive an updated list from Erin
January – May
Historical Society event
Spaghetti dinner 5/81
Candidate recruitment committee meeting 3/12
Start canvassing-
March 10th Environment and energy event in Alstead
Mud season Social
Keene for Kayaks
Start canvassing for candidates not in a primary
Find staging locations
Find volunteers
Coffee/water/refreshments for volunteers
Candidate events
Primary Day
GOTV 11/3-11/6 try to get people to take the day off to help.
Fleshed out Plan-
Erin would like to build something lasting, and that is what she will be working towards. We received a grant from the DNC to fire up the field program. They have 100K to do this and she is hiring someone to help with this.
Primary s 9/11 we will not know who many of our candidates are until this time.
We need to identify the strategic locations
Troy / Fitzwilliam
The would like to prioritize and get people out on the ground
Will start canvassing non-mid term voters. 7K did not vote last time in the mid-term. (330K do not vote in the mod-terms, 80K of which are dems). Start talking to them now because they are engaged. We need to build the connection and community now.
How can we recruit canvassers? The best way to reach people is to knock on doors.
Letters to the editor
Identify local message. Use the talking point email.
We can all get onto Sarah Guggenheims list
Schools-How can we engage hem better? How can we be proactive? Norah Travis at Keene State?
Main street presence. We are the dominant party in this region and we need to show it. Jay thinks we need to have a headquarter that is visible. We need to show our enthusiasm.
Distributed leadership model. Training, entering data, thinking what makes sense for our town and making it work. Giving people ownership.
Capacity building. Local committee meetings. Other groups in the area, school boards, places that we can meet like-minded people.
September-November 6
GOTV motivating people. Everyone should take off the last few days from work to help out.
Erin will help us in anyway she can, just let her know.
The executive committee should meet to see how we could execute this. We will need to meet
Friday at 12:30 Dita Englund will be offering testimony for senate bill 193 , they can bring others.
New business- Death penalty repeal monday at 1:00 PM
Tuesday at 10:00 hearing n safe school zones. Adding school boards authority about advocating guns. It could lead to local school boards arming teachers.
Pre-gearing for LRP hearing on Liberty Gas at UC on Fruit ST. Discussing the safety hazard of bringing natural Gas in to Keene.
Meeting adjourned 7:15