CCD Meeting notes February 2020

CCD Meeting notes February 2020

Cheshire County Democrats February 4, 2020

Call to order-6:05 PM

Guest’s introduction

Introduction of Tim Butterworth who thanks the Presidential Candidate

Introduction of the Honorable Lucy Webber, Cheshire 0ne Discussing redistricting.

In 2010, done when dems were 255 of House and 5 out of 24 in senate.  The plan was done after the plan was proposed.  There was no public input.  The chair monopolized the hearings so that no one could add their input. Our congressional district makes no sense.  Fed one person one vote.  It’s done by census blocks everywhere else in the country.  In NH you cannot cross a county line and towns must be made whole. We lost one rep in Keene.  We have 21 dems and 2 repubs in our county    The Senate side we should have more senators than we do.

They were hoping for a bi partisan group this time.  The Gov. vetoed this bill.  They have another attempt this year, but we have the same Gov. They could establish a commission in the next term, but we need to have a different Gov. We need to call out the gov every time he takes credit for things he did not do.  Even on very bi partisan efforts he does nothing and yet takes credit.  There are reprise bills on both sides this year.  You have districts that are arty divided so that they do not need to appeal or care about the people in the middle who become disenfranchised and not heard.  There are only a limited number of ways to do this.  It is difficult.  At some time it should e done by census block but that would require a rule change.  The Gov. will not talk to the representatives.  The repreantative pick their voters, not vice versa as it should be.  225K for each exec. Council seat.  They split school districts in the senatorial districts.

Guest’s introduction of guests.

Elected Officials-

Jay Kahn

Bills are being heard.  Medicaid in Schools moving through at at lightening speed 29Mill on the line.  DO not let Gov. take credit for this.  His admin lost out.

Sullivan store tat closed because of construction.  The dept. of transportation needs to crested litigations for construction over 5Mill to help with this kind of issue.

Harrisville Nelson-Town clerks are permitted to appoint clerks instead of being elected.  Done by warrant articles not at the edict of the select board.  It is not a constitutional rule.  Contingency funds for schools, they can save money they are allocated they do not have to be spent in the time frame.  This takes the school commissioner of Education out of this three more bills he is introducing tomorrow.  They are working

There is a lot of concern that we get this right, but we should not be criticising Iowa.  More support.  NH has done this for a long time we have a good system in place and we should not have any problems.

Jim says we have people who know what they are doing.

Bob Englund They are reviewing budget that should be approved by the CC Delegation 51 million budget going up 2%

Randy Filiault Public hearing Thursday on 5G networks    the city would allow it.  Two sides be Health risks, or perfectly safe.

Jim Tetrault Be careful of the misinformation. You need a valid   Drivers lic, utility bill, BC or passport (Add in what is needed to vote)

Treasurer report-

21,575.74 NO outstanding bills

Fundraising-Spaghetti dinner 5/30Dan Feltes event 3/1 at JoAnn Fenton’s home

Cabin Fever dinner and a movie 3/21

Membership-We will be having the breakfast meeting every other month starting in March

If you know that anyone is retiring form the house we need to know ASAP, Jim asks that these people let us know because they are the best recruiters for their slot.

New Business- Grandmothers in actions.  JoAnn will report on this next month.  It is a good volunteer task for people who do not like phone banking or canvassing.  Its has been a great new force for postcard writing.

Holden for the Bernie Campaign-Event on Sunday at Keene State 6:30 at the gym.

Mr. Robertson from Wisconsin for Andrew Yang. Volunteering.  Wed at 6:30 at the Colonial.  He is a proponent of the freedom dividend.  This would add about 10 million into our economy.

Mr. Bradford (?) mable Brown room Tulsi Gabbard will be her at Keene State. 5:30.

Mayor Pete at Keene state Saturday morning.

Amy Klobuchar campaign will have a town Hall Event Monday the 10th at 9:00