CCD Monthly Meeting Notes 8.17.18
CALL TO ORDER– Made by Carl DeMatteo, Chair
INTRODUCTIONS– After members introduced themselves, Carl welcomed Owen Berger, State Field Organizer, Adrienne Viarengo, from NHDP and special guest Laura O’Neil, Special Assistant to Senator Shaheen
Representative Lucy Weber reported the legislature had a special session called by the Governor to deal with the Wayfair decision (South Dakota v Wayfair, Inc., U.S. Supreme Court case in which court held states may charge tax on internet purchases made from out-of-state sellers). She expressed her opinion that the Governor might not have understood that a US Supreme Court opinion cannot be overruled by state legislation. The bill that was drafted and considered contained some protection from fraudulent collections, and some protective provisions which may or may not have been constitutional, but did not ultimately relieve NH sellers of the tax collection obligation. The House voted to strip everything out of the bill except for a commission to study the matter. The Senate voted no, and we all went home. The governor said maybe we’ll call everybody back.
Representative Delmar Burridge noted he was really pleased FPC is having a candidate’s forum Monday, September 17, from 11 am to 1 pm. Lucy Weber shared she believed some of the candidates in this area will attend. She liked the idea of Democrats taking over the Fitzwater Center. Thought it wasn’t very well publicized and it’s an area Democrats don’t have inroads into. Ann Goodrich Bazan explained FPC celebrates Constitution Day every year, which is why they are hosting this forum. She will work with Ann Heffernon to get the word out.
Rep. Burridge also shared, in response to an NRA survey, he sent them his Red Flag bill and invited them to come and testify re his bill.
Heather Stockwell, Chair of Dublin Democrats: The District 9 forum was well-attended, about 60 people. Tomorrow there is another one at the Dublin library 6 to 7:30 PM.
Carol Leger, Chair of Swanzey Democrats: Swanzey Dems had a booth at the Swanzey Old Home Day and it was great. A lot of candidates came.
JoAnn Fenton for Inga Hansen, Chair of Keene Democrats (Inga is at a Keene School Board meeting). The Keene Democrats held a Keene for Kayacks event Saturday, July 21 and the turnout was great, about 100 people. Most of the area Representatives were there, as well as gubernatorial candidates Steve Marchand and Molly Kelly.
Ann Goodrich-Bazan, Chair of Winchester Democrats: Getting ready for a Winchester location for canvassing/phonebanking and advertising our meetings.
Peter and Debbie Rose (not sure), Alstead: August 18 event. Chris Hansen speaks.
Amy Hathaway for Rights and Democracy/MPA: Event in Brattleboro Friday at the Latchis Theater. Saturday morning at 10 am in Clarement, Ady Barkan, founder of Be A Hero, will be speaking with Bernie Sanders, then going on to Manchester to kick off a canvassing event. Also September 22 MPA is hosting a Rights and Democracy Membership Assembly & People Powers Summit at Keene Middle School 10 to 5 pm, with a choice of 8 different workshops.
Adrienne Viarengo, Political Director: She worked 3 years with Elizabeth Warren, joined Erin Turmelle as Coordinated Campaign Director. Primary is 32 days out. Time is of the essence. Deadline for county and towns are online. The Kennedy-Clinton dinner name has been changed dinner to the Eleanor Roosevelt dinner.
Owen Berger, Regional Director for NHDP field team. Office is open. Canvassing and phone banking every day. Weekly events: Wednesday phonebanking 5 to 8. Saturday and Sunday: Canvassing. You can also arrange to canvass or phone bank other times. Hope to see al of you there.
SECRETARY REPORT– Ann Heffernon, posted online. No changes.
Deposits since July 1: $669.42
Expenditures since July 1: $2,000 to NHDP (CCDem share of office rental for 4 months)
Checking Account Balance as of 08/05/18: $18,304.46
Pending expenditures: 9 checks of $200 each, totaling $1,800, sent to candidates July 31 and August 1
Fundraising –Spaghetti Dinner Update-JoAnn Fenton
Most successful to date. Great crowd, everything went well. Congratulated Tim Butterworth, Cheshire County Democrat of the Year. The net profit for the dinner was $11,679.68
Reports from Cheshire County Democratic Committee Subcommittees
Membership/Outreach-Heather Stockwell: SB9 voter alliance is still meeting. Meeting August 27 at Dublin Library
Governance/Nominating – Bob Englund: No new updates.
Communications-Ann Heffernon, excused absence. No new updates.
Update on Friday Lunch Group- Mohammad Saleh It is going great. There are 4 or 5 people that are brand new. Looking for bigger space.
Laura O’Neil read a statement by Senator Shaheen explaining her vote on Gina Haspel. Then she answered a few questions, explaining she mainly works on immigration/family separation issues. She encouraged people to not hesitate to reach out if they have questions/concerns.
reach out. In answer to a question, she noted on the legislative side of the House there is work on homelessness. Also Congresswoman Kuster pushed through significant aid for rural housing. Passed by both houses. Asked about Senator Shaheen’s vote for military spending, Laura O’Neill will connect that person with the right staffer.
Carl DeMatteo noted it is very important that we hear from our leaders in regard to these issues. Always good to get a perspective and understand why our elected leaders vote the way they do.
Discussion on whether to untable the Resolution to Censure Senator Shaheen for her yes vote to approve Gina Haspel as CIA Director.
Jim Smart read the Resolution.
Call the Question: Delmar Burridge voted to untable. Chris Hansen seconded the motion.
Vote to move from table Resolution for censorship to Senator Shaheen:
Yes: 16
No: 15
Motion on Floor:
Prolonged, spirited discussion of the issue.
Call the question to move to vote on the floor:
Yes: 27
No: 2.
Motion to Censure Senator Shaheen for her vote for Gina Haspel for CIA Director.
Vote on Resolution:
Yes: 10
No: 24
Abstain: 1
Motion did not pass.
JoAnn Fenton read a statement thanking everyone who got involved with attending rallies, and information sessions, etc. However, she noted, now is the time to canvass and phone bank. We need to one-on-one contact with voters. She pleaded with everyone to help.
Carl DeMatteo closed the meeting by stressing the need for everyone to work together. The next election, and what is going on in our country and state, is too important to let relatively superficial differences tear us apart. We all believe in the rule of law and the democratic values of equality, justice, diversity, truth, freedom of religion, etc. So, let’s not lose sight of that.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next meeting September 4, 2018.