Meeting Minutes – August, 2021

CCD Agenda for August 3 2021 

Mtg Call to order– Mohammed 

Agenda share 

Welcome of Speakers– Mohammed 

  • Andrew Maneval , candidate in special election to fill seat of Doug Ley 
  • Rep. Matt Wilhelm — Chair of Democratic Victory Campaign Committee of NHDP


Andrew Maneval Candidate in special election to replace Rep. Doug Ley 

Campaign vision and update appreciation for CCD support and thanks to Doug Ley , and an honor ro run in his stead

Welcoming any and all help for this crucial  campaign

 Developments under the Repubilcan controlled House in NH illustrate the importance of this election :

  • School vouchers: dreadful threat to funding for public education 
  • Firearms in public and open carry issues 
  • Wage issue and the potential for tipped workers to warm a fair living wage 
  • Immunization Freedom Bill 

We need as many Dems as possible in Concord. We need to protect the right of every child to get a good public school education Move forward on health care, including reproductive rights for women and Civil Rights for all. Climate crisis — NEEDS to be tackled, real strategy, effective action happening ASAP. So many other issues. Tricky as this will be 3 way race– 1 Dem, 1Ind and 1 Republican. Need all to be involved. We need truth, science,  accountability collaborative and  thoughtful dedicated work needed 

plan with NHDP

Get together  to organize phone bank, canvassing plan details will be on CCD website

Wednesdays will be phone banking, Saturdays will be door2door canvassing  

Primary: September 7

General: October 26


Kudos from Jay Kahn about Andrew’s credentials and experience

Andrew– striving for productive approach in the face of political realities

Dick Ames–Andrew has a great message, and a realist

Rep. Matt Wilhelm , DVCC Chair

Turnout is crucial , must not take this for granted–GOTV efforts much needed 

DVCC solely dedicated to electing Dems to Concord — recruit, train and support candidates running for  office across the state 

Power point  presented bt Matt Wilhelm posted on CCD website 

GOAL 201 seats DEM House Majority

Very challenging year– tough with losses, campaigning during pandemic, etc

10 Recommendations from DVCC  for moving forward:  

  1. New name and Brand– Governance– setting up standing committees
  • Recruitment
  • Mentoring
  • Communications
  • Fundraising 
  1. Messaging — priorities, alerts, etc.
  2. Candidate Support 
  3. Frontline Program 
  4. Fundraising 
  5. Staffing and Budget
  6. Relationships 
  7. 10 year plan– Inspired by Stacy Abrams! 
  8. Engagement

Q & A

Q:– can you tell us about it? 

A: They provide barebone basics on training  about 6 months ahead of a cycle, as well as virtual training throughout the year. A great resource, among many. 

Q: Have you recruited any involved in the Sanders campaign? They ran a very effective and strategic campaign, including sweeping Rindge. Encourage DVCC to bring those folks into the fold. Use of strategy from Bernie campaign would really crank it and be a great opportunity

A: Not recruiting where there is an incumbent but we also want local committees to bring forth candidates 

Q: Are we considering building on momentum of under 40 excitement  and a wider variety of candidates to run? 

A: Trouble of existing limits to serving — Concord in mid week etc

Diversity representing the state– younger , older, LBGTQ, different types of Dems to run. 

Comment: Lets get someone with less experience with canvassing to join us– use the imminent canvassing for Andrew as a training ground. 

Electeds Reports–

Senator Jay Kahn– 3 major issues

  • Well prepped workforce– educated, prepared etc. 
  • Healthcare– access to services
  • Low and moderate income property tax issues 

Storm related issues in western NH — July 17-18, southern CHeshire County  NH

Sullivan County last week

People need help immediately

FEMA process is 60 days, not well organized 

No relief for small business either ‘

Future planning needed to prep for storms yet to happen

SWCS for low income,and assistance for prop owners who landlord lower income places

SBA relief source for small business 

DOT working on fill/patch, but not an enduring solution

Work is being done to secure relief as quickly as possible 

Additionally — Many bills are  ready for Governors’ desk, about 40 bills 

Announcement from Sue Hay– group will gather at Library to express support Planned Parenthood at Executive Council  Wednesday morning

Announcement : Going forward CCD will reach out to electeds and town chairs to gather any requests for time on upcoming meeting agenda, vs, asking in the moment. 

 CCD Sub-committee reports 

  • Treasurer– Shaun Filiault 
    • Just under $2600  $600 in donations in the last month– and dinner will be a major fundraiser – $40 in expenses this past month.
    • ActBlue set up — people encouraged to donate–  sustaining donations in particular
  • Fundraising — Sue Hay
    • Spaghetti dinner — location, speaker, caterer unclear due to pandemic issues
    • Possibly KSC, or Greek Church, or virtual or hybrid– much still to be determined

We will have a silent auction– at the dinner

Event Date is sure to be 9/18

  • Communications — Natalie Quevedo
    •  Please share our posts–fb, instagram, will be starting a tiktok presence
    • Any events you’d like to post, contact us.


Andrew’s departure  leaves an opening  for a delegate role on the CCD Committee. Send us email with nomination, NHDP will provide support and guidance . 

For September meeting: 

Chris Coates to present in Sept

Joe Schapiro to speak on dental benefit plan