CHESHIRE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA 12/3/19 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER- 6:00 PM INTRODUCTIONS-Cinde Warmington, candidate for Executive Council, District 2. Attorney fro Concord, Chair of Platform committee Reviews contact over 10K all nominations this is a critical position someone who can uphold our democratic ideals. ”. Cinde Warmington, candidate for Executive Council, District 2 A gerrymandered district. This election is about all of us coming together and speaking our values. Introduction of Will Pearson, at large rep from Keene NH. “The history of the primary in NH”. Three terms on election committee. Gardner has been a champion of this issue since he filed in. Economically this is...
Meeting Minutes
CCD Monthly Meeting Notes 12.19
CCD Monthly Meeting Notes 12.19 MEETING CALL TO ORDER- 6:00 INTRODUCTIONS- No new guests SPECIAL GUEST PROGRAM- Chris Garretty, NHDP Coordinated Campaign Data Director—Recap of midterm results I Cheshire County and NH. We can be incredibly proud of what we accomplished. Presentation available. Questions- Senate district 8, how did we lose this? There were gains in this district, but we could not get it over the edge. The overall map in this district is red and we could not flip it. We do not actually know yet. Is there any possibility or an impartial redistricting? We need to win in 2020 in order for us to take charge of this redistricting. They had two texting programs. One for volunteers and one to...
CCD Meeting Notes 10.1.19
CCD 10.1.19 6:00 Call to order Introduction of members and guests Introduction of speaker Philip Barker, professor at Keene State. What norms are and how they guide politics. Reports form elected officials- Sen. Kahn and Rep Weber we have a budget. Tuition freezes, social Ed fund to obligation, Medicaid increases Housing stabilization, full funding on vocational and dev. occupation waitlist have been funded. The funding is there, but not yet all of the bodies. For 1.5 million to recruit mental health workers for Cheshire, Coos and Carol counties. Cedar Crest will stop paying the Medicaid tax. Antrim rest station is being demolished, chesterfield liquor store will have a welcome center and made in NH store...
CCD Meeting notes 9.4.19
9.4.19 Call to order 6:00 PM Introduction of members Introduction of our speaker, Michael McCord Local official Reports- Mitch Greenwald- Because Democrats have core values, which are his, he asks for our support. He has learned a lot about whom he and we are. He stresses that we will need to work hard to GOTV. He asks us to help him canvass before the Primary, which is in early October. Senator Kahn- This month we have a veto session in legislature 9/18 & 19 53 bills have been vetoes so far. This is a big number. Mort=re than double what any governor has done before. If there are bills that are of concern to us, please contact Jay and let hi know what your exact concerns are. Bi-Partisan commission...
Cheshire County Democrats Meeting agenda 8.6.19
Cheshire County Democrats Meeting agenda 8.6.19 CHESHIRE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA – 8/6/19 6PM CALL TO ORDER- INTRODUCTIONS-Members, Guests SPECIAL GUEST PROGRAM- Kemal Atkins, Vice-President, Student Affairs. Keene State College REPORTS FROM THOSE SERVING IN ELECTIVE OFFICE REPORTS FROM TOWN CHAIRS REPORT FROM NHDP- SECRETARY REPORT - Ann Heffernon TREASURER REPORT – Frank Dobisky COMMITTEE REPORTS Fund Raising –JoAnne Fenton Reports from Cheshire County Democratic Committee Sub-committees Membership/Outreach-Heather Stockwell/Tim Butterfield Governance/Nominating-Jim Tetreault Communications-Ann Heffernon OLD BUSINESS Possible locations for the monthly meeting-Kathy O’Donnell NEW BUSINESS...