Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes – November, 2021

Agenda and Minutes: Cheshire County Democrats Monthly Meeting in November, 2021 Virtual Meeting : 11/9/21, Tuesday 6:30 – 8:00 pm Call  Meeting To Order - Mohammad called the meeting to order a few minutes after 6:30pm. Introductions, all attendees: In Chat (Name and Town only); please update name if using another person’s zoom account Election updates Cheshire 9 Special Election (Andrew Maneval’s campaign) Mohammad thanked volunteers for hard work during election. Municipal Election in Keene (Shaun Filiault – 3 minutes) - not present - Addison made the announcement for Keene election. Keene Dems aided municipal elections Announced winners and thanked volunteers for their help. Update from Senator Hassan’s...

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Meeting Minutes – October, 2021

Minutes: Cheshire County Democrats Monthly Meeting in October, 2021 Virtual Meeting : 10/5/21, Tuesday 6:30 – 8:00 pm Call  Meeting To Order approximately 6:34. Introductions, all attendees: In Chat (Name and Town only) Guest Speakers + Cheshire 9 special election update Josie Pinto - Representing the Reproductive Freedom Fund of New Hampshire  Discussed codifying Roe to keep reproductive freedom.  Asked for monthly sustaining donations provided link (see above) Took question from the group on legislative work Rep. Joe Schapiro - legislative efforts to implement a dental plan for adult recipients of Medicaid.  Adult dental benefit for medicaid recipients - NH only has an emergency ONLY plan. Extraction or...

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Meeting Minutes – August, 2021

CCD Agenda for August 3 2021  Mtg Call to order-- Mohammed  Agenda share  Welcome of Speakers-- Mohammed  Andrew Maneval , candidate in special election to fill seat of Doug Ley  Rep. Matt Wilhelm -- Chair of Democratic Victory Campaign Committee of NHDP   Andrew Maneval Candidate in special election to replace Rep. Doug Ley  Campaign vision and update appreciation for CCD support and thanks to Doug Ley , and an honor ro run in his stead Welcoming any and all help for this crucial  campaign  Developments under the Repubilcan controlled House in NH illustrate the importance of this election : School vouchers: dreadful threat to funding for public education  Firearms in public and open carry issues  Wage...

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Meeting Minutes – July, 2021

Cheshire County Democrats Monthly Meeting Minutes: July 6, 2021 Attendance: 40 Mohammad Saleh Called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.  Participants were invited to introduce themselves in the Zoom Chat. Doug Ley tribute -- Dick Ames  Dick Ames delivered a heartfelt and poignant tribute to Doug Ley.  Referencing the words of President Biden Dick reminded us of the high stakes in our current political environment, and that Doug had a collaborative spirit in solving the tough problems our nation faces. He closed by reiterating how important it is to win the special election for Doug’s seat to carry on his legacy. Special Comments on Budget -- Rep. Lucy Weber Representative Lucy Weber gave a summary of recent...

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Meeting Minutes – June 2021

Cheshire County Democratic Committee Meeting 6/1/21, Tuesday 6:00 – 7:30 pm Meeting called To Order New Committee Introduction Mohammed Saleh -- Chair  Kathy O’Donnell -- Vice Chair  Amy Hathaway-- Secretary Shaun Filiault-- Treasurer  DELEGATES:  Sue Hay Keene  Ed Sheldon, Swanzey Conor Hill, Winchester  Natalie Quevedo, Winchester  Andrew Maneval, Harrisville  Introductions-Members, Guests (Name and Town only)  People were invited to post their name and town  in Chat on Zoom .  Reports From Those Serving In Elective Office Cinde Warmington -Executive Council  a. derailed one worrisome nomination  for  the superior court  b. troublesome developments such as Governor and other Executive  appointing people to...

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